• Von jimmy loog
  • Sep 29
Man running in the forest

What Is an Ultra-Marathon: How to Enhance Your Endurance


You just finished another 26.2 miles but something is still gnawing at you. How about an ultra-marathon for your next challenge? But what is an ultra-marathon exactly? Well, welcome to the world of ultra-running where the marathon distance is just the beginning. It’s a world where human endurance is pushed to the limits and beyond and where those who dare to ask “what if I could go further” are invited to join. This post will guide you through all you need to know about an ultra marathon and how best to leverage technology in this epic journey.


What is ultra-running?

As you consider going beyond the 26.2-mile mark, you are entering the world of ultra-running, a very different sport from simply going that extra mile. Ultra marathons are generally considered to begin at 50K (31 miles), and they sometimes reach astonishing distances, such as 100K, 100 miles, or even multi-day events over hundreds of miles. Unlike traditional marathons, these races often cross some really tough terrain-from mountainous trails to scorching deserts.


Group of people running a marathon


To train for an ultra run requires not only the proper physical training but also is a huge mental battle. Runners undergo brutal endurance tests, exact pacing, extreme fatigue, and long periods of isolation and discomfort. The attraction? It is a voyage into one's self, an adventure to which more and more athletes are drawn.

The sport of ultra-marathon has seen significant growth in recent years. In fact, according to one study published in the Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, ultra-marathon participation increased 345% globally from 1996 to 2018. For many, including ultra-running legend Scott Jurek, it's about chasing that state of mind in which daily worries fall away and the beauty of the immediate moment snaps into sharp focus. The question, really, is how do you go about training for ultra running? It is not about the insane distances but finding that depth in you.


How to prepare for an ultra marathon

Let’s be honest about one thing - training for an ultra run is a leap of faith at best. As you might have guessed, it’s both physically and mentally demanding. But since running 26.2 miles isn’t a problem for you, an ultra run simply requires that you go the extra mile. Here are tips to help you prepare well and ensure you perform at your best.


Women and men running a marathon in town


1. Start small-build gradually

Imagine yourself as a master chef perfecting some complicated recipe; you don't go directly to the finished product; you start with the basics and then add ingredients. Start with ultra-distances such as 50K before trying the 100-miler. Every race is a building block, teaching you something new about pacing, nutrition, and mental toughness. For instance, incorporate back-to-back long runs into your regime. Run 20 miles on Saturday, then 15 miles on Sunday to simulate the fatigue you'll experience in an ultra. Gradually lengthen these runs over time. Remember, this is to harden you up, not break you down.


Group of people working out outside


2. Monitor your fuel and hydration

Your body is the engine, and the proper fuel and hydration are the gasoline. Neglect either, and you’re headed for a breakdown. That’s where the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor becomes your secret weapon. Designed for professional endurance athletes and fitness enthusiasts, this innovative device mimics biochemical lab tests to analyze your sweat data and monitor your hydration levels accurately.

The Liipoo AbsolutSweat works through an electrochemical biosensor system. It comes with a hydration biosensor pod, a sweat patch and the AbsolutSweat app. After you wear the biosensor on your chest, when you exercise and sweat, your perspiration enters through the Flow Inlet and flows along the Flow Path in the Liipoo sweat patch. As you sweat, perspiration enters through the Flow Inlet and flows along the Flow Path. The sweat then hits the Biosensor which has specially designed electrochemical sensors. These sensors detect and measure the metabolic molecules in your sweat. The electrical signals generated from this interaction are picked up by the Electrode Pads along the Flow Path. These signals are then sent through the Pin Pads to the main device, namely the hydration biosensor pod. At last, all the data will be sent back to the AbsolutSweat app.

Electrochemical biosensors in the AbsolutSweat device


This is how the AbsolutSweat can monitor the metabolic molecule electrical signals in real-time and give you accurate data on your body’s sweat loss, and hydration and electrolyte levels. It is quite compact and integrated as shown in the image.

What makes the AbsolutSweat unique is it can measure biomarkers like sodium and potassium ion concentrations, electrolyte levels and even glucose without the need of a lab. This level of detail allows you to dial in your hydration strategy like never before. Ultimately, it makes the difference between hitting the wall and crushing to the finish.


Picture of the Liipoo AbsolutSweat device and smartwatch/ smartphone app


As you can see, Liipoo AbsolutSweat gives you real-time scientific data on your sweat rate, water, electrolyte and nutrient loss during your run. This allows you to tune in to your hydration plan for the ultra run. By hydrating and staying hydrated, you can be sure your body will be ready to perform at its best.

But that’s not all. The device tracks sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), water and glucose levels as you exercise and sweat. It doesn’t just collect data - it acts on it. If your electrolytes, water or nutrients drop to critical levels, AbsolutSweat alerts you so you can avoid injuries.

Timing is everything in ultra running. Liipoo AbsolutSweat also reminds you when to replenish so you can stay at your best. Besides telling you when to hydrate, it tells you how much to consume and even recommends intake volume.

For the science-driven marathon athletes, Liipoo AbsolutSweat goes further by evaluating your workout performance in terms of fatigue and dehydration tolerance. This allows you to push your limits safely and effectively. To give you the best possible start, it sends a personalized prehydration plan to minimize the risk of early workout fatigue.

With Liipoo AbsolutSweat data, you can increase your electrolyte intake and avoid the bonk most ultra- runners struggle with. It’s not just about measuring; it’s about understanding what your body needs so you can create a fueling plan that adapts to your training. 


3. Incorporate cross-training

Your fitness is a diversified investment portfolio. Putting all your eggs into one basket in terms of running is uncalled for. Strive to incorporate swimming, cycling, or strength training. Visualize yourself powering up that steep hill at mile 80 because you built the leg strength from those cycling sessions. Cross-training not only reduces injury risk but also makes you a more well-rounded athlete.


Man lifting a kettle dumbbell


4. Have an ultra marathon training schedule

A good plan is a compass in the ultra-running wilderness, so start by plotting out your weekly mileage increase with a 10% bump each week. Include back-to-back long runs to simulate race fatigue, a 20-miler on Saturday and 15 the next day, for example, but increase these distances gradually. Remember to have ultra marathon recovery weeks every 3-4 weeks to avoid burnout. This is a living, breathing plan that should flex and adapt to your progress and life.


5. Sharpen your mental game

Ultra running is as much a mental game as it is physical. Practice mindfulness through meditation for at least 5 minutes and work up to 20-minute sessions daily. Visualize crossing difficult parts of the race: the steep climb at mile 60 or lonesome nighttime hours. Create a mantra for yourself-something simple-such as “Relentless forward progress” or “Embrace the suck.” These little mental tools will be your secrets when things get really hard, either in training or racing.


woman meditating near the sea


6. Tapering before the race

Tapering is a balancing act between rest and maintenance of fitness. Start your taper 2-3 weeks out from race day, and reduce your weekly mileage by 20-30% each week. But don’t stop altogether; keep some intensity with short interval sessions or tempo runs to keep your legs sharp. Use this extra time to fine-tune your gear, review your race strategy and catch up on sleep. A well-executed taper will have you feeling like a coiled spring on race day, ready to unleash your full potential.


7. Technical terrain and long runs

If your ultra has trails, rocky paths or mountainous terrain, make these a regular part of your training. Find local trails that mimic your race conditions. Practice power hiking on steep inclines - it’s often more efficient than running in ultras. Work on your downhill technique too, using shorter, quicker steps to maintain control. Join a trail running group to find new routes and learn from experienced ultra-runners.


People running in a marathon race


8. Flexibility and strength training

Flexibility and strength are your armor against the brutal demands of ultra-running. Do dynamic stretching before runs and static stretches after. Add 2-3 strength training sessions a week, focusing on exercises that improve running economy like squats, lunges and core work. Don’t neglect your upper body - strong arms can be crucial for balance on technical terrain and using trekking poles. Yoga can be a game changer, improving both flexibility and mental focus.

9.Injury prevention and post-race recovery

Think of your body as a high-performance car. We all know that to keep any vehicle on the road without breakdowns, we have to give it regular maintenance. This is where devices like the Liipoo Xpolar Knee Massager come into play.


Liipoo Xpolar knee massager (heat & ice & compression)

After that grueling 30-mile training run, this massager will help relax tense muscles, reduce inflammation, and speed up recovery. The device features heat therapy combined with focused massage, which is quite powerful for common ultra-running problems such as IT band syndrome or runner's knee. Add regular massages into your regimen, along with proper stretching and strength training, to keep your body at its best. Remember, staying injury-free is the key to maintaining consistency in your training routine.

How to test your nutrition and hydration plan before your ultra-marathon?

As your ultra approaches, you need to test and optimize your nutrition and hydration strategy. This is where your Liipoo AbsolutSweat device comes in handy. Use the recommendations it gives you before, during and after your training.

Start by following the pre-hydration plan to get your fluids and electrolytes in balance before long runs. During your training, pay attention to the real time alerts and suggestions on when and how much to top up. This will help you get into a rhythm and get to know your body’s needs over long distances.

After the run, review the data on your sweat rate, electrolyte loss and hydration status. Use this to adjust your strategy for the next session. Pay attention to how different weather conditions or terrain affect your hydration needs.


hydration needs assessment by Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor


Remember, what works in training is what you should use on race day. By the time you get to your taper, you should have a nutrition and hydration plan that’s been tested and personalized to your body’s needs. This will not only help your performance but also give you the confidence that you’re prepared for the hydration challenges of your ultramarathon.

Ultra marathon training is an adventure in itself, requiring commitment, smart training and the right gear.. The right kit can be the difference between a finish and a DNF (Do Not Finish). So, what do you need to pack for your ultra? Let’s get into the must-have gear to get you through every tough mile.

Your must-have gear for the ultra marathon

When it comes to ultra-marathon gear, everything counts. Here's your must-pack list for those long distances:

1. Hydration biosensor: Liipoo AbsolutSweat

In ultra running, proper hydration can make or break your race. The Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor is a game changer for fuel and hydration management. It takes the guesswork out of hydration management and gives you real-time data to perform at your best throughout your ultra marathon.

Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor



● Real-time sweat rate and electrolyte loss tracking

● Personalized hydration recommendations based on your body

● Syncs with smartphone app for easy data analysis and trend tracking

● Lightweight and comfortable for long distance wear

● Measures water loss, Na+ & K+ concentrations, and glucose levels

● Evaluates fatigue and dehydration endurance

● Provides scientific replenishment plans pre, during and post-workout

How to use it:

Step 1: Setup

Unbox the Liipoo AbsolutSweat. Remove the charging port from its storage space and open it. Next, unwrap the sweat patch unit from its package and press it on the charging case as shown below.

Placing the AbsolutSweat sweat patch unit in the charging case


Now place the AbsolutSweat with the logo facing up. Wait for a few seconds for the device to power up. Once the green light is on, pair it with your smartphone app using the QR code/MAC number (at the back of AbsolutSweat).

Pairing AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor with your smartphone

Pairing AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor with your smartphone

Follow the steps on your smartphone to complete the pairing process. Once done, peel off the tearable part of the sweat patch unit and with the 12 needles facing up, roll up the Liipoo AbsolutSweat so that the needles attach to the area where you just peeled.

 Fingers peeling off the tearable part from the sweat patch unit

At this point, the Liipoo AbsolutSweat should be connected to the sweatpatch unit as depicted below. Remove the tearable part and apply to your skin. Press it firmly to your forebreast. Ensure it’s well in position to avoid getting dislodged.


AbsolutSweat connected with the sweat patch unit


Step 2: Start tracking

Finally, tap "Start the workout" in the app and begin exercising. Make sure you're sweating actively for optimal data collection. While you’re working out, the AbsolutSweat will work it’s magic; collecting sweat data and send you prompt alerts when vital components run low. This means you can hydrate effectively and even plan for your post workout routine. The nutrition recommendations from the app guarantees you know exactly what the body requires to recover fully and replenish lost electrolytes.



After your run, the AbsolutSweat app will give you a full breakdown of your hydration needs and performance data. Here’s what you can expect:

● Recommended Supply Station: The AbsolutSweat app will tell you exactly how much water, electrolyte water and energy gels to consume at specific times during your run. This will help you stay hydrated and energized throughout your ultra.

● Basic Hydration: You’ll get a full breakdown of your fluid and electrolyte needs. For example the app might recommend 2223-2778mL of fluid including electrolytes in 3 hours post run through gradual rehydration.

● Recommended Rehydration Time: The app will give you a timeline for rehydration broken down into specific time slots (e.g., “Before 15:34” or “Before 18:34”). For each time slot, it will recommend exactly how much electrolyte water and carbs to consume to optimize your recovery.

● Additional Nutrients: The app will also provide guidance on other important nutrients, such as carbs and protein, with recommended amounts and timing for consumption to support your recovery.


As for maintenance, it’s highly recommended that you clean the 12 needles with an alcohol-based cleaner or paper towel, then charge the device for future use.


2. Hydration pack

A good hydration pack is your lifeline on long trails, and it is not optional for ultra marathon training. Look for a pack with 2-3 liters of water capacity, multiple pockets for nutrition and gear and a chafe-free fit. Bonus points if the front pockets are easily accessible for on-the-go hydration and fuelling.

Bag with a water bottle on the side


3. Comfortable footwear

Your shoe choice is critical when you consider how long ultra marathons are. Choose shoes with plenty of cushioning to absorb hours of impact, a roomy toe box to accommodate foot swelling and a sturdy outsole for varied terrain. Make sure to break them in well before race day to avoid any nasty surprises.


Several pairs of running shoes

4. Breathable clothing

Ultra running demands clothing that can keep up. Choose moisture-wicking, quick-dry fabrics to manage sweat and prevent chafing. Look for clothes with flatlock seams to reduce friction, and consider compression gear for muscle support and recovery during those long miles.


Happy athletic women supporing each other at a marathon


5. First aid kit

Pain after a marathon, let alone an ultra, is common. Pack a small first aid kit with blister treatment, anti-chafe balm, pain relievers and any personal medications. Include a small roll of medical tape and a few bandages—they can be lifesavers for the unexpected issues that pop up over many hours on your feet.


Overhead view of a first aid kit


6. Ultra marathon specific nutrition

Your fueling strategy can make or break your ultra marathon training. Pack easy-to-digest carbs like energy gels, chews and bars. Don’t forget electrolyte tablets or powders to replenish what you lose through sweat. Test different options during training to find what works for your stomach over long distances.


Why is it important to have the right ultra-marathon running gear?

In an ultra, every step counts. Your gear is an extension of yourself. The right shoes prevent blisters, breathable clothing keeps you comfortable for hours, a well-fitted hydration pack keeps you moving without frequent stops. But it’s the Liipoo AbsolutSweat that truly sets you apart, giving you personalized hydration and nutrition strategies that can make the difference between bonking at mile 60 and crossing the finish line strong. Monitoring key biomarkers like sodium, potassium and glucose levels helps you optimize your fuelling strategy for peak endurance and efficiency. The Liipoo AbsolutSweat isn’t just a hydration tracker—it’s your personal hydration coach, giving you real-time data on your sweat rate, electrolyte loss and hydration status.


All in all, your gear matters big time in this race. Get the right kit, and you’ll perform optimally and not get injured during or after the race.



Ready to take your marathon groove up a notch higher? By now, you are aware of what it takes to successfully complete an ultra run. As you train for this race, bear in mind that getting to the finish line goes beyond physical preparation. You must be mentally ready for this task and leverage the use of smart technology to your advantage. While literally everything from shoes to nutrition is crucial, proper hydration can make or break your race.

Liipoo AbsolutSweat is the best investment here: think of it as your real-time coach that will help you achieve ultra-marathon goals. It is not just some gadget, but a device that will provide you with real time with data on the rate of your sweat, the losses of electrolytes, and your hydration needs. By tracking the unique responses of the body in training, it is easy to develop a personalized hydration strategy for race day. All it's about is training wiser beforehand for your ultra, be it 50K or up to the 100 miler. Liipoo AbsolutSweat will surely guarantee that you do the best when it counts the most. As you lace up for the next ultramarathon challenge, invest in the right gear first. The trail awaits!



1. How long does it take to train for an ultra-marathon?

Ultra training takes 4-6 months depending on your current fitness and the distance of the race. But many seasoned ultra runners train for a year or more for their first ultra. The key is gradual progression and consistency to build endurance without getting injured.

The Liipoo AbsolutSweat can be a game changer for your ultra-marathon training. It gives you real time data on your sweat rate, electrolyte loss, dehydration tolerance and hydration status. This allows you to elevate your hydration strategy during long runs. For instance, you can see how much sodium you’re losing and adjust your electrolyte intake accordingly. The device also gives you personalized recommendations for fluid and nutrient replenishment to prevent dehydration related issues like fatigue and reduced performance. Using AbsolutSweat regularly allows you to develop a more scientific approach to hydration and potentially improve your training and race day performance.

2. Which ultra-marathon should you enter?

Well, for your first ultra, do a 50K (31 miles) on the same terrain you train on. Look for events with generous cut-off times and good support. Popular beginner friendly ultras are the JFK 50 Mile in Maryland, USA or the Ultra-Trail Australia 50K.

Besides choosing a specific race, you also need to consider the climate and terrain. With the right gear, like the Liipoo AbsolutSweat, you can adjust your training and hydration to the demands of an ultra. The AbsolutSweat gives you vital information to improve your performance, including real time sweat rate, water, Na+, K+ and glucose loss and hydration status. It will alert you to low glucose or electrolyte levels so you can avoid dehydration-induced problems during the race such as shorter attention and early fatigue. By using Liipoo AbsolutSweat in different training conditions, you can create a personalized hydration strategy for the different environments you will face on race day.

3. Is an ultra marathon good for your health?

If you’re already a marathon runner, an ultra marathon isn’t bad for your health. But there are some side effects you should be aware of. An ultra run can improve your cardiovascular health and mental toughness, but it can also lead to overuse injuries, temporary heart strain and impaired immune function.

The good news is that with highly optimized sweat tracker and hydration monitor  tools like Liipoo AbsolutSweat, you can maximize the benefits of an ultra run and minimize the risks. Liipoo AbsolutSweat provides real time data on your sweat rate, electrolyte loss and hydration status so you can stay optimally hydrated during your training and race. It will alert you to low glucose or electrolyte levels, and offers you a personalized prehydration plan to prepare you for the upcoming race. With such valuable data, you can tailor your hydration and nutrition strategy to support your body during these extreme endurance events.

4. How long after ultra can I run again?

Well, it depends! Our bodies' recovery rates vary considerably. However, most runners will take about 2-3 weeks to recover fully. Experts recommend paying attention to your body's cues to discern whether you're ready for the next race. Determine whether you're still fatigued or in pain before getting back on track.

Optimal recovery also means you need to replace what you lost. That’s where the Liipoo AbsolutSweat really delivers. It tracks your water loss, sweat rate, electrolyte loss and hydration state during your ultra. Post race you can use this data to create a personalized recovery plan. The device gives you ideal hydration and nutrient recommendations, so you know exactly what your body needs to recover. With these personalized insights you can speed up your recovery and be ready for your next training or race..

5. How long are ultra marathons?

Ultra marathons are any running event longer than the traditional marathon distance of 26.2 miles (42.2 km). Common ultra distances are:

● 50K (31 miles)

● 50 miles (80.5 km)

● 100K (62 miles)

● 100 miles (160.9 km)

For such longer events, your approach toward hydration and fueling becomes an extremely critical part of your race strategy. Proper pacing, along with nutrition timing and hydration management, may be what makes the difference between finishing strong and hitting the wall. This is where devices like the Liipoo AbsolutSweat come in handy. Real-time data on your hydration status during these ultra-long races enables you to make tiny adjustments on the go. Be it your first 50K or a 24-hour event where you are pushing your limits, proper preparation and the right tools can turn an ultra-distance from daunting into achievable.




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