• Von jimmy loog
  • Sep 24
What Is Bonking? A Complete Guide in 2024

What is Bonking? How to Treat and Avoid It?


If there is one thing athletes fear, it is bonking. But what is bonking? It is a phenomenon where your body and muscles suddenly give out, especially during endurance activities like marathons. It feels like hitting an unseen barrier where no amount of determination can push past the pain and exhaustion. This article will explain how it happens, the symptoms to look out for, and ways to prevent it entirely. Keep reading!


What is bonking? 

Some cyclists call it "hitting the wall," while other athletes call it bonking. Bonking is a state where the body depletes its glycogen reserves and essential electrolytes like sodium, leading to physical and mental fatigue. It's important to note that feeling tired is one of the indicators, not synonymous, with bonking.  


During endurance activities like marathons and triathlons, your body relies on glycogen as its energy source to keep going strong. This glycogen is broken down into glucose to power up your muscles. Here's the catch – your body's glycogen stash is limited and can only fuel you for 1 and a half to 2 hours of continuous moderate to intense exercise sessions before it starts running on empty. When you use up all your glycogen reserves, your performance level drops as your energy drains. The body would then turn to the glycogen stores in the liver and muscles to address the depletion.  


The effects of bonking go beyond just poor performance. It can disrupt your training plans, and extreme conditions lead to muscle loss as the body starts breaking down muscle tissue for energy. It can also cause immune dysfunction and increase your risk of illness or injury.  


A chart showing the relation between glycogen usage and training intensity

 Image source: Fellrnr.com


Bonking symptoms: what does it feel like?

Let's say you are in the middle of a competition or training, and out of nowhere, you feel weak and unlike your usual self. Chances are, it is a bonk. But first, you must know the type of bonking you are experiencing to deal with it correctly. 


There are two types of bonking (Hyponatremia and Hypoglycemia), which manifest differently in our bodies. Exercise-induced Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar happens when your body has insufficient glucose levels. Glucose is the energy fuel for your body and brain. You must replenish this supply with carbs, especially after two hours of exercise.  Hypoglycemia starts as a headache and then progresses into nausea and sluggishness. 


In contrast, Hyponatremia is a condition where the sodium in your blood is dangerously low. This type of bonking is common during endurance activities that last more than five hours. Hyponatremia affects athletes mentally but can progress into the physical. Unlike Hypoglycemia, its symptoms are not as pronounced in the beginning. At its onset, you'll be confused and slowly lose the ability to focus on your competition. You'll also experience muscle cramping and have swollen fingers and toes.

One sports lover suffering from dizziness

The science behind bonking: why do I bonk so easily?

Can you be predisposed to bonking? It is unlikely because bonking is what happens due to poor hydration, nutrition, and energy management, not genetics. Also, these causes remain the same regardless of age and gender. The real issue lies in how often it occurs. While some athletes have never experienced a bonk, others deal with it frequently. 


If you bonk frequently, a professional hydration biosensor will change your life, literally. It tracks your water and electrolyte loss, and nutrition changes moment-to-moment and can alert you of timely replenishments before you bonk. In addition, you must understand the common causes behind bonking, which helps you avoid it altogether. Here's a deep dive into the main factors that lead to bonking. 


Inadequate nutrition

Your body relies on carbohydrates as its energy source; if you don't have enough before exercising or competing, you'll start with low glycogen levels. This supply depletes quickly and you can bonk if you don’t refill with snacks and drinks. It is best to consume 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per hour. 



When you overexert yourself, faster than you've trained, you burn through glycogen stores more quickly and risk hitting the wall sooner. Therefore, pace properly and have enough fuel( food and water) to avoid bonking during intense exercise sessions. 



Dehydration affects your body's ability to regulate temperature and blood flow. It can also hinder access to glycogen and decrease your endurance performance by as much as 2%. It's worth noting that dehydration manifests in 3 ways:

● hypotonic (loss of electrolytes than water)
● hypertonic (loss of water than electrolytes)
● isotonic (even loss of water and electrolytes)


Knowing what type of dehydration you may be experiencing can help you rehydrate responsibly. 


For example, you can use the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor to gain real-time insights into your water and electrolyte (such as sodium and potassium ) levels and get a customized hydration strategy based on your body's requirements during workouts or competitions. 


Say the biosensor detects signs of dehydration from more loss of electrolytes than water, you will know that your replenishment should be focused on electrolyte-rich beverages to rebalance your system. 


How to avoid bonking? 

Hydrating and taking supplements are proven ways to avoid bonking. But that is only half of the solution because they are essential, individual sweat rates vary. This means you need answers beyond just drinking water or grabbing a snack. You must know how much water and electrolytes to drink to rehydrate and replenish in ways that make you bounce back faster without overburdening your body. This is particularly important during endurance events like marathons and triathlons. Fortunately, it is why hydration biosensors like Liipoo AbsolutSweat are made to help you keep track of your dehydration levels.


Track your water, Na+, K+ and glucose loss.

During intense physical activities, your body needs glucose, sodium(Na+), and potassium (K+). But, these essential ingredients deplete quickly, no matter how much you stack up before your competition. Once they run out, your muscles stop functioning optimally. Stop this from happening by using the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor to get immediate feedback on how much of these ingredients you're losing. Knowing what your body needs helps you refuel adequately to get on with your competition.

sweat data tracked by Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor


Strategize your replenishment

Dehydration significantly hinders your body's ability to use energy effectively, but blindly drinking water or eating snacks during a marathon or cycling contest does more harm than good. 


Instead, it would help to have a calculated replenishment strategy, and the AbsolutSweat tracker gives you precisely that. With its real-time data on sweat loss, you can know how much water, electrolytes, or carbs to consume to give your body the right balance and keep it at peak performance.  

 replenishment plan offered by Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor


Evaluate your performance limits

Every athlete has unique physical limits, but without knowing what they are, you can push past them and experience bonking or worse. The Liipoo AbsolutSweat biosensor evaluates your fatigue and dehydration endurance during each training session. Therefore, for your new training sessions, you will know how to keep challenging yourself for higher fitness goals while not pushing far over your limits. 

performance assessment by Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor


Prevent bonking in advance

Bonking doesn't happen out of thin air. Our bodies give enough subtle warnings which we often overlook or do not always recognize. The Liipoo AbsolutSweat sensor helps by tracking the patterns of your dehydration, strain and metabolite changes in past days. Also, it tracks your sweat data in real time and alerts you based on when approaching the danger zone. So, you rehydrate, refuel, and adjust your pace before it is too late. 

 performance assessment by Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor



How to use LiiPoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor? 

Step 1: Download the AbsolutSweat app

Download and install the app from the App Store or Play Store. Now, open the product's packaging and scan the QR code on the back of the sweat tracker. Or enter your Mac address in the app to pair. On the app, put in vital data like your weight and gender. 

 Unboxing the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor


Step 2: Assemble

Install the sweat patch unit (all 12 metal pins must face up). Next, press the sweat tracker for 3 seconds and close the biosensor case.

 Assembling the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor


You'll see the tracker turned upside down when you open the case. Hold and press for five seconds to reinforce it so you can peel it back with the sweat patch securely attached.

 Pairing the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor with your phone app.

Place the product on your chest. Note that the device comes with 12 sweat patches, none of which can be reused.

 Placing the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor on your chest.


Step 3: Work out and use the data results.

Open the app, select what you will be drinking during your workout, your desired workout, set up your fluid replacement prompt, and then click ''Start workout''.

 setting up the replenishment prompts


Push yourself to where you have enough sweat for the biosensor to analyze your sweat data. After the workout, you'll receive an in-depth workout report regarding your fatigue index, fatigue, and dehydration tolerance, hydrated state, etc. Also, you get to see the Na+, K+, and water changes in your body during the workout session. Liipoo AbsolutSweat will also tell you how much to rehydrate and when to hydrate for optimal recovery. 


What to do if you experience bonking?

If you are already suffering from bonking, here are a few quick tips that may help you recover sooner. 

1. Stop and rest

If you are experiencing bonking while running or cycling outside, first you should find a shady area to lie down on, close your eyes, and relax. 

2. Cool down

Remember to splash cool water on your face or dampen a towel and place it on your face. This helps lower your body temperature.


3. Deep breaths

Now you must find a way to calm your nervous system and improve oxygen flow. Try taking deep breaths and remain steady for a few minutes. 


4. Hydrate and replenish 

Take small sips of water or electrolyte drinks for rehydration. If you are hungry, eat a banana or energy gel, to replenish your energy.


5. Regain your pace

Once you start feeling better, gradually ease back into your activity at a slower pace, paying attention to how your body responds.


If you want to be more scientific and don’t want to influence your match performance much,  remember to use Liipoo AbsolutSweat for real-time insights. Based on your dehydration, fatigue, and sweat loss data from your recent workouts, AbsolutSweat would give a recommended rehydration time detailing the specific volume of water and supplements(carbs, electrolyte-rich drinks, proteins, etc) to take and at what time. 


It will also suggest slow-oxidized carbohydrates like honey, fruits, and dairy products that promote fast metabolism and provide a long-lasting supply of glucose. This includes other nutrients. You'll also know your hydrated state and how fast you are losing electrolytes so you can adjust your pace.



How long does it take to recover from bonking?


It typically takes a few hours to several weeks to fully recover from bonking in cycling. But this depends on the severity of the bonking, response time, the athlete's gender, health status, and intensity of the physical activity. In a minor bonking case, all you need is a few hours of rest and proper rehydration to feel normal. 


However, severe cases like a marathon bonk can be so damaging that they impact your health for days and weeks. These call for an intensive recovery plan to heal your body. 


Currently, Liipoo AbsolutSweat has the most effective intensive recovery plan that will get even the most weary athlete and fitness enthusiast up and ready for their next big match or training schedule. Wearing the AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor during your match,  you will get an extensive report of your hydration levels, electrolyte balance, and nutrient loss with suggestions and recommendations for your next race or workout. 


This data also shows the points when a deficit happens. You'll see a quantifiable supply need, fatigue score, hydration rate, and a detailed list of what to take, how much sodium or potassium to take, when, and for how long. The AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor is for anyone who wants quick recoveries and optimal field performances. Grab one today!

 A fitness man in training, wearing the Liipoo AbsolutSweat biosensor on his chest


5 Common myths about bonking

There is so much misinformation and half-truths about bonking on social media and other online platforms. Although they may seem insignificant, these myths only cause fear and confusion. If you are a cyclist or runner, knowing what is true about bonking helps you avoid it altogether.  Here are 5 common bonking myths and the actual truth. 


Myth 1: Bonking only happens to beginners

Fact: Contrary to popular belief, bonking is not a condition meant for new athletes. Please understand that your experience level in a sport doesn't fully protect you from the physical demands of endurance activities. The only way to keep bonking from happening is to train adequately, hydrate, fuel, and pace.   


Myth 2: Carbo-loading will prevent bonking

Fact: Carb-loading is not an all-in-one solution to keeping bonking at bay. A preventive plan must include enough water and a balanced electrolyte (sodium and potassium) level. Don’t know how to start? Use the AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor for a well-rounded approach that includes proper hydration and electrolyte management. 


Myth 3: You can push through a bonk with mental toughness

Fact: Bonking isn't just about willpower. It is a physical condition in which your muscles run out of fuel, and no mental toughness except hydration and energy can keep you going. Continuing in this state will worsen your muscle cramps and lengthen recovery time.


Myth 4: Bonking only happens during long endurance events

Fact: While bonking is common in long endurance events like marathons, it can also occur during short and intense activities like cycling sprints. Any activity, even running a short mile, can quickly drain your energy and trigger bonking if you haven't trained, fueled, and hydrated. 


Myth 5: Bonking is a sign of weakness

Fact: Bonking isn't an indication of poor fitness, endurance, or physical health but your body's way of letting you know you are running low on water, glucose, and electrolytes. It happens to athletes at every level and is nothing to be ashamed of. Therefore, be informed of its triggers and understand how to fuel, hydrate, and recover with the help of the AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor. 



Bonking is what breaks your performance as an athlete. Therefore, you must learn to recognize bonking symptoms like muscle weakness and fatigue to stand a chance at recovery. You'll also need a professional hydration biosensor for bonking prevention and post-recovery. The sweat tracker provides invaluable insights into your hydration levels, electrolyte loss, and sweat rate, and also lets you know when and how much to hydrate, especially when you are bonking in running, cycling, or any other endurance sport. Avoid this dreaded condition and take control of your performance - get the Liipoo AbsolutSweat tracker today and never let bonking slow you down again!



Is hitting the wall the same as bonking?

Yes, hitting the wall and bonking mean the same thing. Both refer to the sudden onset of extreme fatigue during endurance events. 


But you don’t have to be caught off guard with the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor. It will alert you when your hydration and electrolyte levels start dropping and guide you on ways to replenish these lost nutrients. Visit the LiiPoo website today to grab one. 


How can I tell if I'm about to bonk during a workout or race?

Common bonking symptoms include muscle fatigue, dizziness, and mental fog. But, with the Liipoo AbsolutSweat dehydration sensor, you can get early warnings based on real-time data about your water loss, hydration level, electrolyte balance, and energy depletion. Stay alert and perform at your best with AbsolutSweat.


Can bonking happen even if I've trained extensively?

Yes. Even the most experienced athletes can bonk if they don't manage their hydration and nutrition efficiently during intense activities. One way to prevent bonking is to use the AbsolutSweat real-time sweat tracker to gain real-time data on your body's fluid and nutrient loss. The info would help you to refuel as needed to stay in peak condition during events. 


Is it possible to recover from bonking during an event?

Recovery from bonking during an event is difficult but possible with immediate hydration, electrolytes, and carbohydrates. Increase your chances of a quick post-recovery with the AbsolutSweat tracker. This device helps you with a personalized replenishment and recovery plan to ensure your body gets what it needs to heal. 


Does bonking have any long-term effects on the body?

While occasional bonking doesn't have long-term effects, repeated bonking can lead to muscle loss, immune system issues, and prolonged recovery times. With the AbsolutSweat real-time sweat tracker, you can prevent these long-term consequences by staying hydrated. Available now!


What role does hydration play in preventing bonking?

Hydration helps prevent bonking by ensuring your muscles and brain have the fuel they need to perform. By maintaining optimal fluid balance, your body can deliver the necessary nutrients and oxygen into your muscles, and help regulate your body temperature and blood circulation. All these can delay performance decline and fatigue, and lower risks of bonking. 


The AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor monitors your hydration levels and electrolyte loss and guides you on how much water to consume at every point throughout your workout or race so you are always well-replenished.


How can I assess my risk of bonking before an event?

To assess your risk of bonking, monitor your hydration, nutrition, and energy levels in the lead-up to an event. This way, you know your sweating, dehydration, and fatigue patterns, and can be more prepared in advance. 


Liipoo AbsolutSweat will evaluate your fatigue and dehydration endurance levels based on previous training sessions. Before your event, it will provide you with a personalized pre-race hydration plan. This way, you can adjust your hydration and nutrition strategy accordingly, prepare smarter, and delay fatigue. 





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