• Sep 30

Can’t sleep after a workout? All you need to know


Can't sleep after a workout? Are you staring at the ceiling, wide awake instead of crashing into deep sleep? We hate to break it to you but this is the unfortunate reality of many athletes and fitness enthusiasts. It contradicts everything we've been taught about how exercise helps you sleep better and leaves you helpless. But here's the thing; you don’t have to endure sleepless nights unnecessarily; we have the answers to why this happens and how to keep it from happening. Keep reading!


a man struggling to sleep after a workout.


Can Exercise Cause Insomnia?

Yes. While most research supports the claim that exercise promotes good sleep, certain conditions often keep you awake at midnight after a workout.

● The timing of your exercise

How close you exercise to your bedtime can impact how well you sleep. Some struggle to sleep when they exercise close to bedtime, while others have no trouble falling asleep after working out. If you can't sleep after a workout, it may be due to endorphins energizing your brain and keeping you alert. Post-exercise adrenaline or stress hormones like norepinephrine and cortisol also elevate your heart rate, causing anxiety or racing thoughts.

Typically, these effects wear off after two hours. This is why experts recommend you exercise at least two hours before bedtime. However, 30 to 90 minutes after exercising, your body temperature drops and this is what helps you sleep quickly and well.

● Intensity of exercise

Sports Medicine published a small study that assessed the onset and quality of sleep in healthy adults who worked out in the evening compared to those who did not. The results showed that while evening exercises contributed to sound sleep, those who engaged in high-intensity exercises such as interval training less than an hour before bedtime took longer to fall asleep and had restless sleep. If you can't sleep after a workout, especially one that’s intense and close to bedtime, this may be the reason why your body is struggling to settle down for the night.

Exercise improves sleep quality, but intense training sessions have the opposite effect. But why does that happen and how do our bodies respond to high-intensity physical activity?


Why Can't I Sleep After a Hard Workout?

During high-intensity workouts, the body undergoes significant physiological changes. Some are natural, others induced. These changes are contributing factors if you can't sleep after a workout. Understanding these bodily responses will help you adjust your training and recovery routines to improve sleep quality. Here are some.

● Body core temperature

When you exercise, your core body temperature rises as your body works to dissipate heat and handle the physical stress. After the workout, this elevated temperature doesn’t immediately drop, which causes your brain to struggle with switching into sleep mode. If you can't sleep after a workout, this might be why. Unfortunately, it will take several hours(depending on the intensity of the exercise) for your body's temperature to get back to normal, and as a result, sleep delays.

● Hormones connection

Your body releases hormones like cortisol during intense workouts. Cortisol, the fight-or-flight hormone, produces energy and endurance during physical activity. Usually, cortisol levels should decrease in the evening to promote relaxation and sleep. But if you can't sleep after a hard workout, it's likely because your workout has disrupted this balance. When this happens, you’ll remain alert and find it harder to unwind and fall asleep. Additionally, rigorous activities release adrenaline and norepinephrine hormones. These hormones ramp up your heart rate and keep your nervous system active long after the exercise.

● Caffeine intake

Many bodybuilders and athletes drink coffee or caffeinated beverages before their workouts because caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, boosts alertness, and blocks adenosine, a chemical that makes you sleepy. However, caffeine has a half-life of up to 5 or 6 hours, meaning half of the caffeine remains in your system even hours later. If you're finding that you can't sleep after a bodybuilding workout, it is probably because you consume caffeine late in the day.

 sipping a cup of coffee after a workout.


● Electrolyte depletion and dehydration

Strenuous exercise, particularly in hot or humid conditions, leads to the loss of electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. These electrolytes help with your muscle function and hydration balance. For those who can't sleep after a leg workout, failing to replenish these electrolytes post-exercise can lead to muscle soreness and heightened restlessness.

Also, dehydration plays a role in keeping you awake at night because a dehydrated body struggles to regulate its temperature, blood pressure, and energy levels. As a result, you’ll feel restless and uncomfortable.

Dehydration and electrolyte depletion are often overlooked as significant contributors to exercise-induced insomnia. As such, many athletes and fitness enthusiasts search for remedies elsewhere. But the truth is they are closely connected. This was proven in a study of sleep duration by ResearchGate. The results revealed that the quality of sleep improves with increased water intake per day.

Want to reduce insomnia caused by electrolyte imbalance and improper hydration? One way to do that reliably is with Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor. It tracks the water, K+, Na+ and glucose on your sweat, and gives immediate feedback on when and how much you should replenish. This way, your body recovers and rests well.


How to prevent dehydration and exercise-induced insomnia?

You'd think after running a marathon or triathlon or engaging in a long and strenuous workout you'd fall asleep as soon as you hit your bed. But that is not often the case, for those who can't sleep after an evening workout. It's frustrating to feel drained and restless when your body craves rest. This can leave you tired and mentally exhausted, which impacts your next workout or day at work. The root cause of exercise-induced insomnia isn't just overexertion but also dehydration and electrolyte loss. These two often go hand in hand.

While it may feel like you're stuck in this cycle of sleeplessness, solutions like Liipoo AbsolutSweat will help you manage or break free from it. Liipoo AbsolutSweat is a wearable sweat tracker and hydration monitor for athletes and fitness trainers. It monitors your electrolyte depletion and hydration loss throughout your training. Then, it provides scientifically backed insights, suggesting what, when, and how much you need to replenish to restore your body's balance so you can recover and have a restful sleep afterward.

Key features

● Analyze your sweat data scientifically: This wearable device uses advanced sensors to monitor and analyze your sweat composition, so you understand how much hydration and electrolyte depletion you experience during workouts.

● Send hydration alerts in real-time:The biosensor provides real-time notifications to remind you when it's time to rehydrate, ensuring you never miss a critical moment for replenishment.

● Personalize your hydration plan: The Liipoo AbsolutSweat offers tailored hydration recommendations based on your workout intensity and sweat data. It helps you replenish fluids and nutrients efficiently.

Steps to use LiiPoo AbsolutSweat for hydration monitoring

Step 1: Set up the sweat patch unit

To get started, turn on your Liipoo AbsolutSweat. Set the device on its charging port with the logo facing up. Keep an eye out for the green light, which shows activation. After that, connect it to your smartphone app. You can do this in three ways: by scanning the QR code on the AbsolutSweat, using the MAC No. under the QR code, or by selecting the device named RBS-P1 in your app.

 AbsolutSweat QR code and MAC No.


Now, lightly press the sweat patch unit on its charging case. Then, flip the tracker over so it's upside down. You should see the 12 metal needles pointing up now.

 Installing the Liipoo sweat tracker to help combat post-exercise sleep


Remove the plastic casing from the patch and push the plate to cover the device tightly. Press and hold the AbsolutSweat button for around 5 seconds as shown in the image.


How to attach the tracker to the patch so you can monitor workouts and avoid feeling exhausted after workout


Cut off the bottom part of the tearable opening so the device sticks well to your forebreast. Then, press the tracker and the patch together to stick.


Image showing how to mount Liipoo AbsolutSweat on your forebreast


Wipe your skin dry and fix AbsolutSweat on your forebreast. Make sure it is securely positioned to prevent it from falling off.


A woman with Liipoo AbsolutSweat on her fore-chest


Step 2: Workout and track

Finally, tap "Start the workout" in the app on your phone and begin exercising. Give it your all so you can produce enough sweat.


Hands holding the Liipoo AbsolutSweat perspiration sensor


The Liipoo AbsolutSweat perspiration sensor will track your sweat data during workouts, including water loss, Na+ and K+ concentrations, and glucose levels. It will also provide real-time alerts if essential components run low in your body.


Liipoo AbsolutSweat biosensor tracks your sweat data during workout and generates a comprehensive hydration report based on previous work reports.


Step 3: Recharge after workout

After your workout, you can review your hydration data and overall performance, including sweat rate, fatigue level, and dehydration endurance. Liipoo AbsolutSweat will also offer a scientifically-based plan for when and how to replenish fluids.


Liipoo AbsolutSweat biosensor evaluates your post-work hydration and performance data.


Finally, clean the 12 needles using an alcohol-based cleaner or a paper towel before charging for future use.

If you can’t sleep after a gym workout, don't remain stuck in this cycle. Get relief from these remedies that will calm your body and mind so you get the sleep you need.


6 Post-workout insomnia remedies

Are you struggling to sleep after a heavy workout? Is your mind racing when you try to settle down? Here are some tips to help you feel refreshed and ready for your next challenge!

1. Caffeine cut-off

While caffeine is great for an energy boost during your workout, consuming it too late can interfere with sleep. Set a cut-off time for caffeine intake, ideally six hours before bedtime, to ensure it doesn't keep you alert and wide awake when it’s time to go to bed.

2. Understand your workout limits

If you can't sleep after an intense workout, perhaps you’ve pushed your body past its limits. That is why it is so important to your body's boundaries to exercise at a manageable intensity level. What better way to do this than with Liipoo AbsolutSweat? This innovative tool evaluates your dehydration and fatigue endurance based on your previous workout data, offering insights on when to increase intensity and scale back. With this feedback, you can train harder within safe, manageable ranges without negatively impacting your sleep.

3. Replenish yourself in the right way

Post-workout recovery involves more than having a snack—it's about replenishing your body with the right nutrients, electrolytes, and fluids to restore balance, especially if you often can't sleep after exercising. A balanced intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and hydration helps the body recover more effectively. However, it is best to strike a balance because while insufficient supplementation drains you, overdoing it can strain your kidneys or even keep you awake at night. Liipoo AbsolutSweat can guide you in deciding what, how much, and how often to replenish. By providing real-time sweat data, this hydration biosensor ensures you don’t over or underdo it, preventing dehydration-induced insomnia and helping you recover optimally.

4. Pay attention to sleep hygiene

A good sleep environment is one of the effective post-workout insomnia remedies and is crucial for quality rest. Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool, and invest in a comfortable bed and bedding. Also, sticking to a consistent sleep schedule can help your body recognize when it's time to wind down. This way you easily fall asleep after an intense workout.

5. Relax your mind and body

After your workout, give your body and mind a chance to relax to fight exercise-induced insomnia. Stretching, meditating, taking a light stroll, or using tools like the Liipoo Xpolar knee massager can help ease muscle tension and prepare your body for rest. Consider taking a few minutes to decompress before bed.

6. Avoid screens

The blue light from screens (phones, computers, and TVs) can trick your brain into staying alert when it should be relaxing. Try to turn off screens at least 30 minutes before bedtime to help your brain transition to sleep mode more easily..


Man sleeping after a workout


When is the best time to exercise?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer for the best time to exercise because it all comes down to individual preferences, lifestyle, body rhythms, and fitness goals. Some people find that morning exercise gives them a great energy boost to start their day, while others may face trouble sleeping after exercise if they work out too late. The key is to find a routine that fits your life and helps you stay consistent.

Exercising in the morning can improve mood and jump-start metabolism, making it a great option for early risers. However, you might feel stiff or low on energy. A study proved that working out in the early mornings helps individuals sleep better.

Afternoon workouts take advantage of peak body temperature and energy levels, which enhance performance, but finding time midday can be tricky. A study concluded that 2 pm to 6 pm is the best time to workout because your body is at its peak performance during this window.

Evening exercise is a good option for night owls. It warms their body but the downside is that it may interfere with sleep for some people.

Ultimately, the best time to exercise varies for each person. Pay attention to your energy levels and how your body responds to a quick morning or evening workout. Then, choose a time that aligns with your schedule and helps you reach your fitness goals.


Woman exercising with a clock


If you struggle to sleep after a workout, there are simple solutions to help you sleep better and recover more efficiently. They include cutting off caffeine, understanding your workout limits, and improving your sleep environment, these fixes can make a big difference.

But if they don't solve the problem, remember to monitor your dehydration and electrolyte balance with the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration monitor during your workout. It tracks your sweat loss, electrolyte concentrations, water loss, glucose loss, etc. With this data, you can optimize your hydration strategy, reduce fatigue and enjoy better sleep—no matter what time you train. Get Liipoo AbsolutSweat today and sleep better than before!



Is it okay to nap after a workout?

Yes, it is okay to nap after hitting the gym. It is beneficial even, especially if you're feeling fatigued. Short naps of about 20 to 30 minutes can enhance your recovery and reduce stress without causing sleep inertia. For athletes, longer naps of 30 to 90 minutes can support muscle repair and cognitive function, as long as they allow enough time to recover before the next workout. Just be mindful to keep naps within a reasonable time frame to avoid disrupting your sleep schedule.

Does exercising at night affect sleep?

Exercising at night can have mixed effects on sleep quality. Moderate-intensity workouts that finish at least 90 minutes before bedtime may not hinder sleep. However, high-intensity sessions closer to bedtime without proper rehydration can raise your heart rate and body temperature, potentially making it harder to fall asleep​. To maximize the benefits of your nighttime workouts while minimizing sleep disruptions, stay hydrated with the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor.

Should I just rest completely until my sleep returns to normal?

Rest is important, but complete inactivity isn't. Engaging in low-intensity activities, like light stretching or walking, can aid recovery without impacting sleep. Additionally, maintaining a balanced exercise routine can help regulate sleep patterns​.

Can overtraining cause insomnia?

Yes, overtraining can lead to insomnia. Intense workouts without adequate replenishment can elevate cortisol levels, disrupt hormonal balance, and result in fatigue and insomnia. Unfortunately, most people don’t know when their body is suffering severe electrolyte imbalance and nearing its limits.

But with Liipoo AbsolutSweat to track your sweat and dehydration during your workout, you’ll receive alerts to replenish energy and replace lost electrolytes and water in time. It also evaluates the patterns of your sweat loss, dehydration, strain, and metabolite changes in your past training sessions.This way, you will know the limits of your fatigue and dehydration endurance, and can avoid overtraining while keeping challenging yourself for higher fitness goals. Choose Liipoo AbsolutSweat to know your limits better and avoid overtraining-induced insomnia.

Can dehydration from exercise impact my sleep?

Absolutely. Exercise-induced dehydration and electrolyte imbalances can contribute to insomnia and poor sleep quality. Studies have shown that inadequate hydration often correlates with disrupted sleep patterns, so stay hydrated before, during and after your exercise.

To achieve this, consider wearing the Liipoo AbsolutSweat hydration biosensor during your exercise to gain insight into your sweat and electrolyte loss. It also gives you a personalized hydration plan based on your body’s requirements so you replenish responsibly and adequately. Get it now and sleep tight after every workout!


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